Enter The gungeon
- Accessibility Analysis -
Project Description
This access analysis was carried out during one of my User Experience courses during my 2nd year at E-artsup Lille.
The goal was to make the most complete analysis possible on the accessibility of the game of our choice.
To do this, we had a few points to help us build our analysis ;
- What was the type of UI ?
- What are the different areas of the interface ?
- What means have been put in place to ensure legibility ?
- What are the main affordances, type of signs and other major feedbacks
- How is the ergonomics of controls constituted ?
- Play with mechanics to reduce/prevent errors
- Does the game have mechanics to limit physical and mental load
- What other accessibility options are available ?
Little Reminder
Enter the Gungeon, is a Rogue Like, seen as the namesake of Binding of Isac.
The game is very focused on the theme of weapons so that enemies will usually a ball shape.
The game is divided into several dungeons, called Chambers. There are 6 in total, including 2 secret ones which are therefore hidden. Each Chambers is more difficult than the previous one and has its own theme.
What does the interface look like ?
In the game, the UI is always separated from the game scene. So it is not dietetic.
What are the interface zones ?
Red bullets represent life . Each bullet represents a half-heart.
Blue balls are blank balls . When used, it acts as a shock wave and disproves all enemy bullets and destroys the elements of scenery on the alant turn.
(Like the red tears in"Binding of Isac")
The shield is like an extra life. However, when you lose it, it will feel like a blank ball.
Keys serve to open safes/ hatches/ cell doors and can serve as currency for a specific merchant.
Keys are available in the shops/ killing a boss or randomly emptying a room.
The casings' money in the game. Money can be used in the store and with street vendors.
Tools are temporary aids for fighting.
They can act as health boosts or as power boosts.
All the guns that have been brought in or bought are piled up here.
The values here represent the remaining ammo for this weapon and the maximum ammo possible.
The right ball gauge represents the magazine and its contents.
Even if a gun runs out of bullets, it’s still in the inventory.
The radar shows the close environment around the player.
However, during a fight, it disappears to lighten the interface of the player.
The map represents the chambers . Each of the chambers have a different map.
The items at the bottom represent the bonuses obtained during the run.
The little green wheels represent the portals of teleportation.
They serve to be able to cross the chamber quickly.
The dialogues, have little presence in the game, but the size and the contrast of the dialogues is always well adapted which makes their readability always good.
Indeed, the contrast of the dialogues is optimal, since it is always about the Black/ White relationship.
To help with the readability, the objects, or people with whom we will interact are set in value with a white highlight (As in "Among Us").
Each information on the interface is intelligent row and distributed at the four corners of the interface.
Important Information
Mini Map
We can see how legible an interface is by blurring an image of the game.
Here, the different interface points are visible on this capture.
The pause menu is also very readable, while remaining very minimalist, which fits very well in the game.
Weapons , tools , enemies , characters , dealers , keep the same theme , shape and function throughout the game.
The objects have a coherent shape and function despite their design based on weapons and especially bullets.
Here are some examples :
- Life in the shape of a heart designed with two balls.
- Shield from a classic form to other games.
- The key is recognizable even if it has a particular shape.
- The shop also has a classic design, much like the shop in "Crawl".
Enemies also have an intuitive form.
- Normal rounds fire weapons of the same calibre
- Normal bullets with a military helmet fire an assault rifle
- Cartridges fire shotguns
- Key balls provide a key when removed
- Balls with exclamation points provide an object (as in Mario)
To guide the player and push him to do certain actions, the game subtly conceals signs.
Here is an example :
- Use a key to open a cell
- Roll over a round of balls.
- A sign to encourage people to jump into space to repair the elevator.
In this game, there are different feedback on different visible or audible planes, here are some examples for each plane :
Change of weapon |
Reloading the weapon |
Loss of life |
Using a blank ball |
Reloading the tool |
Roulade |
Displacement |
Recoil of the weapon |
Shield Loss / Scan |
Table toppling |
Loss of life |
Different shot per weapon |
Discovery of enemies/ boss |
Death of enemies/ boss |
Lights |
Destruction of decor |
Loss of tools |
Portal of teleportation |
Teleportation |
Sound of the weapon |
Reloading the weapon |
Loss of life |
Opening a door |
Using the tool |
Pick up item |
Destruction of decor |
Teleportation |
Table toppling |
Slight | Medium | Strong |
Shooting | Teleportation | Arrived in a chamber |
Death of an enemy | Opening room of the boss | |
Opening a door | Death of the boss |
There is one mood music per room. |
Ergonomics of controls
The keys are editable, as in most games released recently.
We can also note that the game is playable by two players locally.
If both players play on the controller, each player can customize the full range of their keys as they wish.
We can also take the example of Hades, a game in the same style (a Rogue Like), which offers the same kind of options to modify its keys.
Mechanical to reduce / prevent the mistake
Mechanical to reduce / prevent the mistake
the mistake
There are few safety mechanisms in the game.
The only safety mechanism is the confirmation request when the options are modified.
When exchanging a tool, the recovered tool is replaced by the previous tool, and it deposits it on the ground.
This allows to recover it in case of error.
However, he disappears when we leave the room, a bit like in Don’t Starve.
There is also a backup system at the end of the rooms so that we can leave and continue in the next room later.
Catch up the mistake
The game offers several features to catch errors, here is someone :
As we progress, we can unlock the elevator that allows direct access to specific floors. In case of death on a mistake, we can come back quickly.
Life preserved for later when you’re healthy. Life is then stored in vending machines available in the store or in the room after the boss of the room.
The game does not have a BuyBack, so that when you enter an item for sale, if you have the requested amount, the item will be purchased directly and there will be no return possible.
Mechanical to limit loads
Mental load
Enemies / weapons / tools / objects / boss, already encountered are classified in «the gungeonesque encyclopedia»
The map of the room being less used, to lighten the memory of the player, the keys to manipulate the card are visible.
To help the player remember, the last character used becomes the base character.
However, the keys to move, shoot, dodge and other actions are not indicated, so the player must remember the keys without help.
Physical Load
As stated before, the game keys are not indicated, but the number of keys is limited which allows to limiting both the mental load and the physical load.
The button to shoot does not need to be smashed, the rate of fire will remain the same. However, to continuously dodge, you must smash the dodge button.
The difficulty of the chambers is progressive, the enemies are stronger and stronger and the number of enemies per room is more and more imposing.
The game does not have a goal assist, so the player must apply.
The biggest physical charge is the duration of a game that can last a very long time. For a beginner player, a game can last about 15min. This can be long and daunting for some people.
Accessibility option
The game does not offer a filter for color-blind people. However, enemies, tools, weapons, keys, ..., all have a unique shape, which still allows to differentiate them.
To make it more accessible, the game also offers a wide choice of language.
Concept of Disability
In case of handicap, the game remains playable, but it is difficult to play depending on the handicap.
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