Professional projects
Village Project - Game IN
This project was first our project at the end of the 2nd year at E-artsup Lille, then became the project that I did during my 3rd year in Game IN.
The Village project involved branching out the video game industry in northern France into a zelda-like directory.
School projects
Discover the projects carried out during my studies
On these projects, I had to work on some aspects, which will be presented a little more in detail.
Unity - FPS Blocking
Design of a FPS level in blocking version thanks to the FPS micro game extension.
This level had to have a mini boss and last at least 5 minutes.
Plague Dungeon
Plague Dungeon is a crawler dungeon where the character must venture into a dangerous and enigmatic dungeon.
On this project, I took care of the creation of the dungeon, which is procedurally generated.
Portal 2
- Hard Level -
Creating a "difficult" level using the game level editor and taking into account all the existing gameplay mechanics in the game.
Enter the Gungeon
- Accessibility Analysis -
Advanced analysis on the User Interface and User Experierence to Enter The Gungeon.
Unity 3D Game Kit
- Blocking Level -
Design of a level in blocking version thanks to the Unity 3D Game Kit extension.
This level was to be contextualized in the inner courtyard of a temple.
Super Meat Boy
- Simple and Dark level -
Creation of two levels of Super Meat Boy: a normal level and its Dark version.
The levels have been designed in the game’s level editor.
- Game Design Document -
This is an analysis exercise, where one had to choose a game and design a partial Game Design Document of the latter.
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