April 28th, 2021

Unity FPS Blocking


This exercise of my training had for goal to realize a level design blocking thanks to the project unity FPS micro game.
As part of this exercise, we received a production document with several instructions that had to be respected.

Production Document :

The goal of the level must be at the end to kill the boss "Turret" and must have at least 5 minutes of gameply.
The recovery of the jetpack should be a key element of the level and therefore mandatory. However, secondary weapons are weapons hidden in the level and can be retrieved.
Here is a list of the different gameplay elements that the level must include:

  • At least 1 macro landmark.
  • At least 1 hard gate.
  • At least 1 soft gate.
  • At least 1 valve.
  • You will have to create at least one visual language for a gameplay element (what you want you want: symbol to indicate that an object is nearby, object to indicate that you can that you can go to a place with a jetpack...).
  • There must be at least one indoor and one outdoor passage.

The theme of the level is science fiction: the inspirations are games that can be close to this universe and gameplay (Halo, Doom ...).