May 20th, 2020

Unity 3D Game Kit
- Blocking Level -


This project was completed as an exercise during my training. The instruction was to create a 3D blocking level in Unity thanks to the 3D game kit while respecting the constraints established by production documents.

Production Document :

Motivation : Following the crash of her ship on an unknown planet, our heroine Ellen decides to go exploring to find objects that can help her repair her ship. On the road, his radar indicates a powerful source of energy emanating from a temple not far from his position that may well be useful to restart his ship.

Theme : This level is about exploring this temple of an ancient civilization that falls into ruin because of an acid that slowly eats away at the building

Pillars : Acid is the main element of gameplay. This acid is an area where the player dies when he comes in contact with. It can be present in puddles, basins, rivers etc… The player will also discover a new variant of the creatures that populate the planet: the "Spitter" which are a subspecies of the "Chompers". The two creatures live together in the temple. Here is a list of the different gameplay elements that can be used:

  • Acid
  • Spitter
  • Chomper
  • Moving platform
  • Destructible box
  • Box of life
  • Press button
  • Switch.
  • Closed door (can be opened with a switch or press button)

Orange elements are elements that the player has never encountered before

For the purposes of this exercise, we will realize that a small part of this level. Our level begins when Ellen enters the temple and arrives in the inner courtyard of it. A door blocks access to the temple suite. To unlock this door, the player must find 3 switches scattered in the level.

Level Flow requested
Diagram of the Level